a little drama happened at the top when a 20 ton tractor was trying to shovel away ice and ran head first into our van. there were about 5 people in the van at the time (i was napping like every mediratta does after lunch), but luckily everyone walked away without injury and the van was minimally damaged. jen and i also got kicked off of an ice pile for shoveling away the snow to better see what the sign said (i will try to post the video if i can get it on here).
finished the day with about 67 miles at the local sonic (not impressed) then worked our way to the salida high school for our showers and sleeping headquarters. went our for dinner and found this place called amica's where they fired their own pizza and brewed their own beer. i tried the IPA and was very impressed both at the taste and the 3.10 price tag for a pint. food was great, company was great and in kem's opinion, "everything was perfect" (from the lemonade to the music)
view of rockies from salida. this is what we ascended and descended. you can tell the mountain looks sad after being owned by a bunch of amateur riders.
mercury checking out the view from the top. yes, i named my bike (and you should too if you haven't)
proof. the more i bike the more i realize how much adding and removing of clothing you do. when you climb, you take layers off, when you descend, you add layers. it was about 20 degrees but i was perfectly comfortable in my few small spandex layers, that is until i stopped moving. i put on two coats and a face mask to go down the hill.
me at blue mesa lake with future mountains in background on sunday. could not have had a more beautiful ride.
again, from previous day at blue mesa lake and canyon. too many people to identify but i will try. back left josh, katie, jen, erin, bobby, cory. next row tammy, caitlin, nate, kem, marianne. one of the more pretty lunch stops we have had.
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