another fun day. started out giving the group our infectious disease lecture. maybe wasn't as prepared as i should have been considering i didn't write the lecture, but i think it went alright. later got free smoothies thanks to lori and later free cali pizza kitchen. honestly not sure what we are going to do once we are traveling. eventually went for a nice climbing ride to mt. soledad near la jolla where it was like 800 plus feet in just over a mile - it was a rough climb but somehow everyone who started the climb finished it. hopefully will be a big confidence booster for some. us crazies (holder, joe, dizzle, van, cory) decided to go down then back up again the opposite side of the mountain which was challenging but the 50 mph downhill more than made up for it. on the way home, i was pushing it a little on a downhill and ripped my chain off the bike. which sucks by the way. so i had to wait for someone to pick me up and carry my chainless beautiful bike back to the JCC. a bit frustrating to say the least.
luckily we had the pauley family block party shortly after so i completely forgot about my chain. pulled in seeing robbie running towards the vans in a green chick-a-sauraus t-shirt (love that shirt, by the way) with a look of joy all over his face. the party was amazing with tasty local amber on tap, delicious food (especially the stew), the planning was amazing (thanks again lara), and it was nice to see Ali playing with the tiny kids and meet her friends and Alex breaking loose to "brickhouse" on the drums. oh yeah, and PORK, they were really, really good. the best part was that the people on the ride seemed totally relaxed, which is always refreshing (i think ive mentioned this, but we really have an awesome group riding with us). all in all a great time for all. i should probably get to bed so i can wake up and figure out how to fix my chain. night.
vishal, the answer to your difficult question is "run's house" or "what is 'run's house'", depending on the game
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