Wednesday, April 23, 2008


van riding through what looked like the moon's surface (that is if the moon landing wasn't staged). this is a few miles outside of hanksville, UT.

capital reef national park where we got a few tickets. nwa has a few words about police that i can't remember right now (actually we deserved one of those tickets).

just before capital reef st. park. they called this formation "chimney rock"

resting at the top (summit was 9600 ft.)

climbers. i got a flat at the beginning of this ride and lost josh because of it (he probably would have beat me anyway). i try to describe the different terrain, but these last five pictures do a pretty good job as they were all taken on the same day.

at the colorado border. chief holding tobacco, me holding powerbar suntea.

ROOOAAARRR! dinosaur museum in blanding, UT. i can't believe i forgot to mention this before. couple of us stopped here yesterday. it was AWESOME (never too old for dinos).

so now im sitting in a coffeehouse in dolores, colorado with about a dozen deer heads and skulls staring at me. a little creepy to say the least. BUT being in colorado means we have a nice view of the rockies that will undoubtedly destroy us AND we get normal beer (utah has a 3.2% liquor law that makes no sense at all, just ask winterbottom about it).

today was a pretty nice little ride. did 63 miles total in mostly rolling hills finishing at about the same elevation that we started. worked pretty hard with nate and van for most of the day then split off on my own for the last few miles. we just crossed into colorado at the first rest stop then had a lunch stop at cahone (hehe) and another rest at a nice lake about 10 miles outside of dolores. fun day overall, weather was cold to start but warmed up. winds were mostly against us but at a lesser amount than we are used to.

later on, we are going to have a presentation and dinner at a church then staying in the high school.


Rajiv said...

Nujji, love the pic with "two Indians"! Amazing, the views are fabulous and I am so glad I am not on a bike.
Raju mama

Unknown said...

rrrrrrrraaaaaaaahhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrr says the dinosaur! Can't wait to see you in c-bus!

Unknown said...

you are soooo goofy! I enjoy it!

Amit said...

I'm jealous

manju said...

well, i guess i'm never moving to utah. that's a beautiful picture of chimney rock...