another state down, i think this is our 9th. day was potentially amazing to start with really good weather and a shorter day at 82 miles. we cruised out of athens after going through the city then headed towards some not so great roads for the next 20 miles, including a delay because of road construction. after a couple re-routes we ended up in coolville, ohio for a rest stop (pics to come, i couldn't find my camara in time). tried to keep up-beat about things but one unmarked road then pouring rain led to a flat for marianne then immediately when we were ready to roll, a flat for me. after lunch the day cleared up a bit and we had some more pretty climbs and descents. finished 87 miles and many hours later in harrisville, WV where we are staying at a 4H dormitory. tomorrow we have an event at an elementary school and another 100+ mile day.

cookies and cream ice cream. tasty but it's no jeni's.

strange street/dam near athens. luckily we didn't have to cross this.

so these three pictures are of this crazy lady who demanded her public street parking spot. she made us move our lunch table and bikes so she could almost fit into her spot. the second picture is of the two open parking spots both on the same side and across the street. town was called sugar grove - ironically the people were bitter.

survey - PLEASE vote via comment page. does this say cola or coke? hint: this was at a pizza joint in harrisville, west virginia if that helps.
i read cola! But i can definitely see the coke...but they always say go with your first answer so cola it is.
I say coke, dad says cola.
i first saw cola, but now that i know it's west virginia it's probably coke (and probably doesn't have any teeth).
good seeing you in OH. can't wait for you to visit NY!
Coke, I say. Nujji, looking forward to taking you to Blue Marble for some ice-cream!
i see pop.
Dude. I saw cola. Then I looked closer and then I could see coke. Crazy. Did the people in WV act like they've never seen brown people before? That happened to me when I was in WV.
Looks like "cute" to me. Did you get her number?
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