me, ashley and my gashed elbow at the ed in denver. seeking healing power from "the light above" - it just so happened to be a procedural light rather than superhuman light. please note my wicked tan lines.
wichita baby. indian pride 4 life (this is in the locker room)
windy day as we approached kansas. this is a picture charade, can you guess what im depicting? yup, right on the nose. (answer: wind)
team arriving in kansas. notice the strong winds blowing hair around and people hanging on for dear life. we had to call the ride at this point.
today was big for a couple of reasons. 1) we entered the very long state of kansas 2) switched over to central time zone (one more to go) and 3) i overcame my new fear of riding a bike. but let me first talk about the day coming out of denver.
like when we came in, we were on the southern route of colorado so we drove from denver down to a town just east of pueblo. on the way there, we hit some snow/rain showers then eventually reached ordway high school in time to give a combination lecture of poverty and infectious diseases. kem started it off with a distribution of food activity drill showing that north america and western europe use about 75 % of the food despite having a much smaller population. then van, bobby, and i gave the rest of the lecture that, in my opinion, went very well. at that point the others (i was on support) started biking in the wind for about 60 miles when we reached our final destination in eads. stayed in the community center where carissa made a really nice dinner and we ended the night with some borat. i felt a little better yesterday overall and the pressure on my left forearm seemed to go away even though the elbow and hip pain has continued.
today i decided i was ready to start biking so i gave it a shot. another windy day to start but, luckily it was not a headwind. i was in pretty good shape with the exception of the bumps in the road which seemed to shake up all of the wounds on my body. the group had to give up the ride at the colorado/kansas border as the winds went from 20-30 mph to 40-50 mph and gusty. was pretty sore when i was done as we toured the wichita county museum then eventually made our way to the high school. pretty cool here with home-ec access and decent showers. also cool because there are signs all over the place that say "indian pride" (mascot is a feather indian). now we head for mexican food "downtown" (literally, there are like 2 streets here).
hopefully tomorrow will be a wind free day. pretty unlikely during tornado season but keeping my fingers crossed.
Hey Anuj, it's Pavan and Tracy. Glad you are back in the saddle! It sounded like you took a nasty spill, but glad you are on the mend. Hope it doesn't impact your tennis game. We're loving your posts and pics and are so proud of you. Keep up the good work!
P.S. We were laughing out loud when we read Amit's (brilliant) Shark > Lion comment. That discussion never gets old!
hey bro, glad to see you're back on the bike! kansas is a lot of fun, a little boring at first but the scenery sure picks up by the 3rd day or so. make sure you hit up the dighton dairy bar tomorrow!
seeyou guys soon i hope.
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