i think i am finally feeling the effects of weeks of biking. i started the day feeling pain from both knees to hips as i tried pedaling quickly, could be just fatigue or could be a lack of proper stretching. either way, i am really excited for a few days off in cbus.
me at the welcome to indiana sign. i know, i know, i look skinny. lost a few pounds on this trip so far but making a conscious effort to eat more. tough when you burn 4-6000 calories a day.
group of us at indiana/illinois border. back: dave, jen, katie, chris, carissa, caitlin, me, bobby, josh, tammy. front: joe, van, kem, jamie, nate.
we turned around and walked to the illinois welcome sign for a group picture since we missed it from missouri. if you compare the two, you will notice some differences between what people are wearing. we were trying to make it look like it was done on two separate days. also funny if you read the phrases for the states. seems like there is an intense battle for claims to abe. top: joe, dave, chris, carissa, tammy, caitlin, jen. bottom: josh, van, me, jamie, katie, kem.
warm welcome at the school. tomorrow we have events for all of the students from k-8. jamie, chris, carissa, jen, me, nate, van, josh, kem, katie.
dessert spread, definitely the best selection we've had.
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